Forewarned is forearmed when it comes to do-it-yourself jobs. Though almost everything you will need is available in Hong Kong, it is sometimes hard to differentiate between similar-sounding products in stores.
'You should never, ever listen to what the shopkeeper says,' Paul Cowling, owner of a contracting firm, says. 'They deceive you and they will just sell you the next best thing.'
It is important to research the products you require before you go shopping. For instance, a good-quality silicone sealant - such as Dow Corning 791, for which Cowling would expect to pay HK$38 a tube - should last three to four years in a bathroom, he says. Paler imitations, available for about HK$22, will do the job for less than 12 months.
'You have got to go to a reputable supplier with high turnover,' he says.
Still, there are plenty of tasks you can take on yourself without hiring a builder or designer, Cowling says.
Painting walls and staining wood for decking are tasks that most people could take care of at home. Though homeowners may require a contractor to install decking, they should be able to perform the regular maintenance once it is in place.