Daniel Kass
Daniel Kass
Daniel Kass is the senior vice-president (Environmental, Climate, and Urban Health) at Vital Strategies, where he leads a team working on using the tools of public health to address environmental threats and ensure healthy and sustainable outcomes for people living in an increasingly urbanised world. Kass is an expert on environmental health and environmental disease prevention, with 35 years of experience in enforcement, education, policy, and research programmes at Hunter College, as the head of environmental health for the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene in New York City, and at Vital Strategies. Dan completed doctoral studies (ABD) in Public Administration at NYU and held a Master of Science in Public Health degree from the UCLA Fielding School of Public...

Although environmental risks are a major cause of childhood illness and death in Asia, many governments lack ready access to comparable data. Developing children’s environmental health indicators is one way to assess existing conditions and evaluate progress in improving children’s health.

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