Why Xi Jinping remains an international man of mystery to most in the US
Tom Plate says even in informed circles there is little consensus about the Chinese president, who will be the most intriguing leader to watch, for most of 2016 at least

Although ensconced as president three years ago (with all the grandiose title trimmings attached), and immediately outward bound as China’s globetrotting salesman in chief – opening doors, closing deals, scaring the West witless – this Beijing-born son of a Chinese icon remains a totally enigmatic figure. In the US particularly, the avuncular face of China has seemed frustratingly hard to read.

Xi became China’s maximum leader not so much through party connection as policy competence
On this reading, the 62-year-old Xi remains the committed Beijing-based gang Deng-er. But, to pessimists, Xi seems more the post-modern Mao man, grumpily chafing over the sins of materialism (now such the topic in the halls of the Central Party School) and the breakdown of party discipline. In some US circles, he is seen as using the current anti-corruption campaign to gin up some kind of loyal Chinese Tea Party. The fear is not only that this true-red Communist will concoct a cultural devolution and trigger a back-to-basics Chinese dynasty, but also that he will push East Asia into a tributary-traditional, Beijing-reliant geopolitical system.
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Respected Columbia University professor Andrew Nathan offers pessimism: “I fear that Xi is creating great danger for China. By undercutting the institutionalised system that Deng built, he hangs the survival of the regime on his ability to bear an enormous workload, make the right decisions, and not make big mistakes. He is trying to bottle up a growing diversity of social and intellectual forces that are bound to grow stronger. He may be breaking down, rather than building up, the consensus within the political leadership and among economic and intellectual elites over China’s path of development ... As he departs from Deng Xiaoping’s path, he risks undermining the regime’s adaptability and resilience.”
Such polar-opposite portraits lack key nuance, especially in dealing with one of the most complex systems in political history. As an eminent source sees it: “It is true that Xi has concentrated power to an extent not seen in a long time. But at the core is a life-and-death struggle to re-establish the moral authority of the Communist Party. The reasons for his doing it are not as your Columbia professor thinks but much deeper.”

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Such warm words might well strike the Western eye as okay for a spiritual pope but not a secular one – not to mention an avowed Communist atheist whose government demonstrably does not love the irreverent blogger or treacherous tweeter, much less the upstart Uygur. Yet Xi’s massive anti-corruption campaign, headed by the very capable Wang Qishan, at times does have the feeling of a spiritual cleansing (or is it just a commonplace political purge?).