Letters to the Editor, December 24, 2013
I refer to the letter by G. Bailey ("Still a lot of doubts about climate change", December 17) in reply to my letter ("Deniers hurt climate change awareness", December 7).

I refer to the letter by G. Bailey ("Still a lot of doubts about climate change", December 17) in reply to my letter ("Deniers hurt climate change awareness", December 7).
I would like to emphasise again that the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report is the result of a collaborative compilation effort of some 260 scientists from about 40 countries, in which more than 9,200 scientific papers were cited. Backed by a huge amount of peer-reviewed scientific evidence, the report represents the consensus of the climate science community. To negate or dispute the conclusions of the report would require something much more than unsubstantiated claims.
The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the latest IPCC report highlighted observed changes that are unprecedented over decades to millennia. One of the most worrying observations is that the current atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is unprecedented over the last 800,000 years. The SPM also gives a concise account on the temperature trend in the last 15 years, although 15 years are normally regarded as too short for meaningful discussion on the long-term climate and climate change.