Letters to the Editor, November 23, 2014
Hong Kong people who cannot afford to buy their own homes and are forced to rent are rapidly being priced out of their flats.

Hong Kong people who cannot afford to buy their own homes and are forced to rent are rapidly being priced out of their flats, and the government, through its Home Affairs Department and the Office of the Licensing Authority, is playing a big part in exacerbating this by failing to act.
Many local families have had to move out of rented flats that they have occupied for many years because their landlords can now extract higher rent from operators of guest house, many of which are illegal. This has also destroyed the community spirit in many buildings.
These financially squeezed middle class locals have no choice but to rent in a market rigged in favour of landlords and developers.
This will only further widen the divide between local residents and the government, which seems not to be interested in problems facing Hong Kong people.
I suppose the government will only take action when the middle classes take to the streets.
I hope Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying wakes up and cracks his whip soon to get government departments to do their work responsibly, otherwise Hong Kong will definitely go to the dogs.