Electric vehicles will not improve Hong Kong's air pollution problems
I refer to the letter by Sammi Lo ("More electric vehicles can help air quality", August 28).
I do not think having more of these vehicle will reduce levels of air pollution. I think they will make things worse.
If we are going to genuinely tackle air pollution, we have to take a holistic approach.
Having a lot more electric vehicles will shift the greenhouse gas emission problem from cars to power stations as there will be an increased demand for the electricity they generate.
Of course, these vehicle will not have any harmful emissions such as carbon monoxide and sulphur dioxide. But your correspondent seems to forget that they need to be charged. And, so a lot more electricity is needed, meaning more emissions from power plants burning fossil fuels.
Also, we have to look at other chief sources of pollution, including waste disposal. As people become more affluent, they throw out things that in the past they would try to use again. Our grandparents would try to waste as little as possible.
To deal with this waste, governments build incinerators, which bring toxic emissions that add to our bad air. Yet the Hong Kong government plans to build one.