It is a matter of concern that so many pets in Hong Kong have to be surrendered for adoption or euthanasia.
While animal-unfriendly policies in Hong Kong are partly to blame, another reason is that people often only decide to get a dog on the spur of the moment, when their friends tell them how enjoyable it is to have a pet in the house.
Often, we buy a dog without thinking about the consequences. We forget that we need to take it out for regular walks, groom it daily and spend time with it to develop a close bond.
At the beginning, we may be earnest in doing these chores. However, slowly over time, due to our busy schedules and juggling family and work responsibilities, we may neglect these duties, causing the pet to suffer.
We must also remember that when we develop a bond with a dog, there is a time when we will have to bid farewell to it due to old age, as seven years of a dog’s life is equal to one of ours. This often breaks the heart of family members, especially if they have had the dog for a long time.
If we have children at home, we must always teach them to treat the dog with dignity and respect; that it is a not a toy, and we cannot just vent our frustrations at it when we are feeling upset or angry.