Mong Kok street performers can be an asset to Hong Kong, with some help
I agree with Ms Li that street performance generates noise pollution, as such street acts generally involve singing and musical instruments, and amplifiers are commonly used.
As the performers are very close to commercial and residential buildings along narrow streets, this can cause a great disturbance, for local residents and shop workers alike.
Noise pollution also causes loss of business, as it can drive customers away, and salespeople find it difficult to introduce and promote their products amid the commotion. There are even complaints that some performers are off-key and a nuisance.
In 2015, police had to use pepper spray to break up locals and performers clashing over whether square dancing by “aunties” was a mainland or Hong Kong tradition.
However, on the flip side, street performances can and do promote local culture. Traditional performances like acrobatics and contemporary songs can be enjoyed in Mong Kok, as street performances include acts that display traditional skills as well as contemporary culture.