Letters | City University of Hong Kong’s global rankings highlight its achievements under current president
- The university has the highest rank among Hong Kong universities on the list of Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted US Utility Patents and heads the Times Higher Education Most International Universities list
Dr Tse’s comments do not accord with the facts. Professor Kuo has led CityU’s transformation into a world-class university over the last 11 years. Since it would be impossible to list all our achievements under his leadership, I list only a sample.
After Professor Kuo’s arrival at CityU, the university implemented a 100 per cent performance-based pay review, the first in Hong Kong’s higher education sector. The aim has been to build a strong culture of accountability.
In the list of Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted US Utility Patents, CityU has consistently ranked first in Hong Kong since 2016. On February 7 this year, during the coronavirus epidemic, CityU was the first university in Hong Kong, and probably in the world, to introduce real-time, on-schedule online learning on a campus-wide scale. This platform, CityU-Learning, now reaches out to high schools as well.