It relies on in-house staff and independent contract personnel to provide invigilation services. Over the years, HKEAA’s lack of transparency has been a source of frustration. The appointment conditions of independent contract staff are significantly inferior to those of their in-house counterparts. Also, I have been told there has been no adjustment in hourly pay for many years, despite changes in inflation. This obviously affects the morale of independent contractors and the quality of their services.
I am an administrative staff member of a professional body which has engaged HKEAA’s invigilation services for some years. After every round of examinations, I was asked to evaluate their performance. I often advised the authority to introduce new faces, but it has turned a deaf ear to my feedback.
I am very disappointed with this reluctance to change. Although experience is very important for an invigilation service provider, I believe that new staff, with a proactive attitude towards work, could prompt healthy competition. It is also good for the authority’s succession planning.
HKEAA’s management style does not meet growing public expectations. The Audit Commission should review the authority’s functioning, particularly its human resources policy.
Stanley Ip, Sai Wan Ho