Letters | Poor elderly Hong Kong residents deserve better from their government
- Welfare payments now on offer are far from enough to ensure a dignified life for the downtrodden. Officials need a sense of urgency to address the problem

The worst is they are forced to sell their labour to make an insolvent living, which saddens the entire city. This is not a promising vision for the youth.
Even with the trickling aid of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), the beneficiary cannot afford to maintain friendships, which would require dressing up and going out, much less an excursion. Theirs is almost an inhuman caged life.
A small contribution fund from those now working would save the vulnerable and offer hope to the youth. Why does it take so long for our bureaucratic government officials to come up with a rescue plan?
Perhaps they need to work for a while in tough jobs, such as valet parking attendants in our humid weather or cooks working in hot kitchens, so that there will be more fire in their bellies to come out with the best golden parachute for desperate Hongkongers.
Edmond Pang, Fan Ling