Letters | Biggest winners of Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan visit? Tsai Ing-wen and her party, unless Beijing changes course
- Readers discuss the implications of the US House speaker’s visit to Taiwan, the US’ obligations under the Taiwan Relations Act, and the importance of language to determining national allegiance

A new strategy “one Chinese, two systems” (一中兩制) could be the answer. If nearly 30 countries of different backgrounds and diverse culture can form a European Union, surely the People’s Republic of China and Chinese Taiwan can form a “Chinese Union”. A bilateral treaty can spell out common grounds such as travel, trade and heritage, and add more elements as the relationship improves.
The key is that the Taiwanese recognise themselves as Chinese by blood, but not under the authority of “one country” or the Chinese Communist Party. Taiwan is different from Hong Kong.
If Beijing would take such a new direction, the Kuomintang may have a chance to win elections in the future, a war could be averted, and the great Chinese rejuvenation would not be derailed.