Letters | If Hong Kong wants to attract talent, it must improve liveability and the education system
- Readers discuss Hong Kong’s plans to woo talent from around the world, and a scheme that links children from underprivileged backgrounds with mentors

The OECD Indicators of Talent Attractiveness compare countries across dimensions that include family environment, future prospects, inclusiveness, quality of life and of opportunities, and skills environment. These are mostly intangible factors that require long-term structural planning for society as a whole.
What’s lacking is a comprehensive strategic plan that addresses the qualitative factors needed to enhance Hong Kong’s competitive advantages over other Asia-Pacific cities. Why would expats who have high occupational and geographical mobility choose to live in a congested place, full of air, light and noise pollution?
Besides, high-earners aren’t necessarily change-makers. Simply defining talent as those earning HK$2.5 million a year or having graduated from a top-tier university is shallow and narrow-minded. Why not consider talent indicators based on cognitive ability, social skills and ambition?