Opinion | It takes two to untangle the US-China knot. Will Biden and Xi succeed?
- Back in 1998, China and the US were led by pragmatic, realistic leaders who were capable of patient diplomacy and adult give and take. While it is hard to imagine Xi and Biden getting along like Jiang and Clinton did, one can hope

Imagine such a splendid scene as this: with TV cameras broadcasting live around the world, you see the leader of the People’s Republic of China in civilised conversation with the leader of the United States.
Not ignoring differences, questioning mutual assumptions, making fair points with evident respect and, if you can believe, with intelligence. No “Commie” this or “Capitalist Roader” that, but a diligent discourse between prime representatives of giant economies and nuclear arsenals.
Almost impossible to imagine, no? Aha! Not many years ago, something like this happened in Beijing. At a June 1998 press conference, after a two-hour closed-door summit, Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and US president Bill Clinton agreed to go at it for all the world to see.
On Jiang’s personal orders, and against aides’ counsel, TV cameras broadcast the back-and-forth between the two leaders that was brash enough to open a global window for all to peer into, including the Chinese population.