The five books an old China hand couldn’t live without: former diplomat Richard Margolis’ must-reads for a desert island
Margolis has gained wealth of knowledge after decades of working across China and Europe as a diplomat and businessman. In his spare time he loves to devour a good novel or two. Here are his favourite reads

The five books John Moorhead couldn’t live without: Hong Kong comedy club founder’s must-reads if stuck on a desert island
Margolis left the diplomatic service in 1986 to pursue a private sector career. He worked in financial services for 15 years in Hong Kong, and then moved back to Beijing as Rolls-Royce’s regional director for Northeast Asia. He retired from Rolls-Royce in December 2011, and returned to live in Hong Kong. He now does consulting work.
Here are five books he would take to a desert island.

This Thing of Darkness
by Harry Thompson, 2005
I have a house in a village outside Beijing. We once had some friends over for old-fashioned English tea and scones, and one of them recommended this biography of Captain Robert FitzRoy, the captain of the Beagle, the ship on which Charles Darwin sailed.