The Naked Truth | How couples can manage feminine and masculine energies to achieve happiness
- We all have both yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) energies but having an imbalance in a relationship can lead to problems
- Many women nowadays lack sufficient yin energy because they are forced to stay in their masculine zone. They need to learn how to let go

Strange as it may sound, we all possess feminine and masculine energies. Knowing how to balance these dual energies and manage their interplay can help us achieve greater happiness in life.
It is like the Chinese concept of yin (feminine) and yang (masculine). The two forces are opposite, yet complementary in nature.
They share an interdependent relationship, which means they cannot exist without one another. Their coexistence affects each other constantly and helps to achieve equilibrium.
When applying this dual-force concept to life, Nathalie Sommer, a certified relationship and intimacy coach, believes it is important to know how to switch between both so we can lead a loving, productive and inspiring life. But first off, we need to better understand these energies.

Masculine energy can be described as our “do” energy. “You’re using your masculine energy when you’re striving, planning and focusing,” Sommer says. “It’s the energy that gets stuff done.”