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Magawa, an African giant pouch rat, has been awarded a gold medal by UK animal welfare charity PDSA for helping detect deadly landmines in Cambodia. Photo: PDSA handout via dpa

Hero rat which detected landmines in Cambodia wins UK bravery award

  • The giant African pouched rat has discovered 39 mines and 28 items of unexploded ordinance in the past seven years
  • More than 60 million people in 59 countries continue to be threatened by such devices
A rat has for the first time won a British charity’s top civilian award for animal bravery, receiving the honour for searching out unexploded landmines in Cambodia.

Magawa, a giant African pouched rat, was awarded the PDSA’s Gold Medal for his “life-saving bravery and devotion” after discovering 39 landmines and 28 items of unexploded ordinance in the past seven years, according to the charity.

First known as the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, PDSA started as a free veterinary clinic in 1917 and has recognised heroic animals since 1943.


Rat wins gold medal for detecting landmines in Cambodia

Rat wins gold medal for detecting landmines in Cambodia

Magawa was trained by a Belgian organisation that has taught rats to find landmines for more than 20 years. The group, APOPO, works with programmes in Cambodia, Angola, Zimbabwe and Mozambique to clear millions of mines left behind from wars and conflicts.

Magawa is the group’s most successful rat, having cleared more than 141,000 square metres of land, the equivalent of some 20 soccer fields.

APOPO chief executive Christophe Cox described Magawa’s medal as a huge honour “for our animal trainers”.

“But also it is big for the people in Cambodia, and all the people around the world who are suffering from landmines,’’ Cox said. “The PDSA Gold Medal award brings the problem of landmines to global attention.”

More than 60 million people in 59 countries continue to be threatened by landmines and unexploded ordinance, according to APOPO. In 2018, landmines and other remnants of war killed or injured 6,897 people, the group says.

While many rodents can be trained to detect scents and will work at repetitive tasks for food rewards, APOPO decided that giant African pouched rats were best suited to landmine clearance because of their African origins and lifespan of up to eight years.

Their size allows the rats to walk across mine fields without triggering the explosives – and do it much more quickly than people.

The PDSA’s Gold Medal has been awarded since 2002 to recognise bravery and acts of exceptional devotion by animals in civilian service. It is considered the animal equivalent of the George Cross, a decoration for heroism.

Before Magawa, all the recipients were dogs.

PDSA also awards the Dickin Medal for military service. The medal has been awarded to 34 dogs, 32 pigeons, four horses and one cat since it was created in 1943.

Born in 2014 in Tanzania, Magawa measures about 70cm long and weighs 1.2kg. He is fond of bananas, which he is rewarded with after finding a landmine, the PDSA said.

This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: Top award for hero rat that sniffed out mines