China harshens tone towards Japan over Diaoyu dispute
China continued its hard line on its claim to disputed islands in the East China Sea, threatening Japan with more retaliation and talk of war in an editorial in state media.

Military posturing over the Diaoyu Islands intensified last week when Japan scrambled F-15 fighter jets after a Chinese plane entered the disputed area for the first time.
“Strategists believe that although neither [Japan nor China] has the will to fight a war, the Diaoyu dispute could be the trigger. Once the dispute intensifies into a war, the sentiments of the public from both countries may explode, which will result in larger-scale military clashes,” the editorial said.
There is deeply rooted resentment against Japan among the Chinese public that “once ignited, will have incredible power”, said the Global Times.
“If China’s marine surveillance aircraft is downed during its confrontation with Japan’s fighter jets, the Chinese public will demand the government to take revenge at any cost. An apology will not be enough. The public will expect a Japanese jet to be taken down in retaliation,” it said.
The editorial maintained that Japan’s “provocation in the islands” is a “direct challenge to China’s reputation and dignity".