Could Mao Zedong's great grandchildren be making long march to US universities?
Granted, they are currently still 10 and five years old. But their father, Mao's only surviving direct grandson, said he would be open to the possibility of his children studying abroad.

Could Harvard be on the cards for the great grandchildren of China's revolutionary leader Mao Zedong?
Granted, they are currently still 10 and five years old. But their father, PLA major general Mao Xinyu, said he would be open to the possibility of his children studying abroad. Mao Xinyu is one of the founding leader's four grandchildren, and the only one fathered by a son.
“We won’t stop them from studying overseas providing they are willing and capable,” Mao Xinyu said of his son, 10, and daughter, 5, on People’s Weibo, a state-owned microblogging service similar to the more popular Sina Weibo.
Mao Xinyu, a military researcher and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was in Beijing this week to attend the annual parliamentary meetings, where he is a media favourite - known for his off-the-wall comments and comical behaviour.
His remark about his children is the latest to draw the attention of journalists, who every year chase down the chubby major general in hopes for a good quote. Once in 2010, he was followed around at Tiananmen Square for so long that he forgot where his car was parked. Disoriented, he left reporters with only one word about the parliamentary sessions: "Good."
His oddball persona is often the subject of ridicule on Chinese social media.