'Preserve stability', Vice-President Li Yuanchao says, in appeal to Hong Kong's youth
Li Yuanchao appeals to Hong Kong's young people to support the government's plans for reform, as student groups take to the streets

Vice-President Li Yuanchao yesterday urged Hong Kong's youth to strengthen their understanding of the rule of law and support the government's plans for the city's democratic reform.
Li's remarks came just a few hours before hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to express their opposition to Beijing's desire to screen candidates for the chief executive through a nominating committee.
Li, a member of the elite Politburo, met around 2,000 Hong Kong youngsters, from primary school pupils to university students, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing yesterday.
"[We] hope young people can raise their understanding of the rule of law, and make themselves the vanguard of preserving Hong Kong's prosperity and stability," Li said.
He called on young people to "support the special administrative region government in pushing forward political reform in accordance with the Basic Law and decisions made by the National People's Congress".
He spoke as students were busy planning an overnight "occupation" of Central following the annual July 1 rally. Two student groups - Scholarism and the Hong Kong Federation of Students - were planning to mobilise at least 1,000 students to flood Chater Road from last night until early this morning.