Crime in Hong Kong
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Cragside Mansion on The Peak. The area has been hit by a string of burglaries.

Dee Poon, businesswoman and daughter of Hong Kong tycoon Dickson Poon, latest victim of burglary on The Peak

  • The break-in was detected by a domestic helper, and a bedroom and cloakroom were found ransacked
  • Poon is overseas and the financial loss from the case is not yet confirmed

The daughter of Hong Kong tycoon Dickson Poon, known for her fashion background, has been the victim of a burglary at her home in The Peak.

The flat in Cragside Mansion on Barker Road was confirmed by a police source as belonging to Dee Poon Chu-ying, 36, managing director of brands and distribution at Esquel Group.

Officers had received a call from a domestic helper shortly before 10am on Sunday, claiming that a window in the home was forced open.

A bedroom and a cloakroom were found to be ransacked.

The financial loss from the case is not yet confirmed as Poon, who is also a member of the West Kowloon Cultural District board, is abroad. Some jewellery, cash and two mobile phones were among the items reported lost.

Signs of a burglary were first detected on Thursday by the helper, who works for Poon’s mother Marjorie Yang Mun-tak at a flat nearby. The case was only reported three days later when Yang, who was also overseas, returned to the city.

Dee Poon runs Pye, a high-end outlet for Esquel shirts in China. Photo: Paul Yeung

Five hours after the report of the break-in, a male visitor from mainland China was found to be acting suspiciously on Mount Kellet Road on The Peak at about 3.30pm on Sunday.

Police stopped the 32-year-old man and he was then arrested for loitering. The site is about 2.3km from Poon’s home.

As of 1.30pm on Monday, the man was still being held at Central police station for questioning. He holds a two-way permit, a mainland travel document for entering Hong Kong.

Police said officers were investigating whether the man was linked to burglaries in the area and it was possible further arrests would be made.

Detectives from Central criminal investigation unit were handling the case.

Poon, a Harvard graduate, runs Pye, a high-end brand outlet for Esquel shirts in China. Esquel Group, the city’s most prolific maker of cotton shirts, was founded by her mother’s family.

Yang, chairwoman of the group, was the first wife of Dickson Poon, who owns luxury department store Harvey Nichols.
Officers at the scene to investigate a burglary claim. Photo: SCMP

Luxury residences on The Peak have been targets for burglars recently.

On January 31, a male resident of a house in Kellett Villas on Mount Kellett Road found three men trying to force open a door on the roof of his home. They fled after being spotted.

On January 30, signs of a forced entry was found at another house along the same road. No valuables were taken.

This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: Home of tycoon’s daughter burgled