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Millions have praised the dedication of a Chinese boyfriend who has spent the past six years looking after the girlfriend he met just a month before she was badly disfigured in a fire. Photo: SCMP composite/Handout

‘He really is a fairy boyfriend’: millions praise Chinese man’s 6-year dedication to disfigured girlfriend he had just met at time of blaze

  • Boyfriend had only been going out with woman for a month when she suffered horrific burns in blaze; six years on, he still tends to her every day
  • Millions have been touched online by dedication of man who manages to take care of partner’s daily needs as well as hold down a full-time job

A “fairy boyfriend” who has been caring for his severely burned girlfriend for six years has been showered with praise by Chinese social media.

According to Shanghai-based media outlet, The Paper, a young woman, surnamed Tian, from Xinyu, a city in China’s southeastern province of Jiangxi, had burns that covered 90 per cent of her body in a fire in March 2017.

Tian told The Paper that when the blaze broke out she was caring for the children of her uncle.

At the time, Tian and her boyfriend, surnamed Yin, had only been dating for a month.

Not only has the boyfriend given his partner daily physical care, he has gone into debt to help pay her medical bills. Photo: Weibo

To Tian’s surprise, Yin did not leave her but chose to take care of her and has stuck around for six years.

She has undergone 13 rounds of surgery and spent more than 1 million yuan (US$ 145,500) on medical bills.

Tian’s parents sold the family’s assets and took out bank loans to pay the medical bills. Despite this, the money was only enough for one to two months of treatment each year.

Tian said that Yin has also gone into hundreds of thousands of yuan in debt because of her.

The couple plan to marry once her burns have been treated more fully and she is “more perfect”. Photo: Weibo

For the past six years, Yin has given Tian daily massages, applied medication and cooked her meals, all on top of his daily work schedule.

Tian told The Paper: “I thank my boyfriend for never leaving me these six years, never saying he was tired and ignoring the scars on me”.

The video covering their story, which was posted by The Paper, has already had over 1.5 million views on Weibo.

One online observer said: “He really is a fairy boyfriend”.

Another observer recalled a lyric from a song by Hong Kong singer Faye Wong: “If her face is all burnt up, does it matter to you?”

However, some have questioned why the two are still not married.

Yin responded: “Everyone gets married just once, and I hope she’ll get married beautifully”.

Tian also said she wanted to wait until she was “more perfect” before tying the knot.