Text from the dead: millions delight in Chinese man who gets heart-warming posthumous message from ‘father’ after failing key exam
- Millions of people marvel at the heart-warming tale of a disappointed Chinese man who turned to his late father for solace
- The posthumous and touching reply to a text message came from a stranger who was using the father’s old mobile number

The story of a young Chinese man who was shocked to receive a posthumous reply after sending his late father a frustration-filled text message on failing an important examination has warmed the hearts of millions of Chinese internet users.
Last week, the 22-year-old from Xian in China’s northwestern Shaanxi province, sent a message to the mobile number previously used by his father who died three years ago, Bailu Video reported.
The unidentified son said in his message: “Dad, I did not pass the postgraduate entrance examination. I had expected this result.”
“I really want to have another try for the test next year. You know me well. I can make it.
“Dad, I miss you very much. Please appear in my dream. I want to see you,” the man wrote.

Several hours later, he was stunned to receive a message from his dad’s old mobile number: “No problem, kid. Who can always ride high? You will grow up from failures and eventually become the best you can be.