Quirky China: woman makes ‘tongue glove’ for son to drink bitter herbal soup, plastic seahorse medicinal liquor and ‘snowman army’ lines street
- A mother cut out a piece of plastic glove to cover son’s tongue while he drank herbal soup
- An army of snowmen, all looking identical, appeared in northeast China

A mother in Shanghai covered her son’s tongue with a piece of a plastic glove so he would not taste the unpleasant flavours of a traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) herbal soup.
“Put out your tongue. Stretch forward. Don’t move,” the mother told the young boy. She then helped him insert his tongue into the makeshift “tongue glove”, according to a People’s Daily report on December 18.
When the boy and mother successfully wrapped the tongue in the plastic, the mother let him drink the medicine through a straw.
The mother’s method amused many internet users, with one person quipping: “His tongue and stomach will be arguing for a whole night on whether the medicine is bitter or not.”

However, medical experts said other parents should not follow the mother’s lead because the plastic could present a safety hazard.