Australia can shape peaceful Asia-Pacific without taking sides in great power rivalry: Penny Wong
- Viewing the future of the region through ‘binary’ lens means countries’ own national interests can fall out of focus, warns Australia’s foreign minister
- Wong also cautions against ‘frenzied’ speculation about regional flashpoints such as Taiwan, calls for a peaceful resolution of cross-strait issues

She said Australia and its Asia-Pacific neighbours like Southeast Asia could own the region they wanted without being held beholden to others, and could adopt policies that pursued peace and averted conflict.

“We deploy our own statecraft towards shaping a region that is open, stable and prosperous, where no country dominates, and no country is dominated,” she said.
Many commentators and strategists were using “a binary” lens to interpret developments in the region, Wong said. “But viewing the future of the region simply in terms of great powers competing for primacy means countries’ own national interests can fall out of focus,” she said.
Asean has stood for a peaceful region advocating for “multilateralism, partnership and cooperation” and expressing concerns over actions that could “eventually lead to miscalculation … among major powers”.
Middle powers like Australia and Southeast Asia had agency to create that peaceful region, she said.