- Kate is the editor of the school magazine at St Cuthbert’s School. She’s preparing the next edition, and discussing plans with Hina, her deputy
- Listen to the audio and answer the questions

Kate: I’ve been thinking, I really do want to change the cover for our next issue. The photo of the school that we used for the last few years is so dull and old. It doesn’t encourage anyone to pick up the magazine and look inside.
Hina: Is that a good idea? I know Mr Ma took that photograph himself and he might not be too pleased if we stop using it. We don’t want to annoy the principal when it comes to the magazine.
Kate: Don’t be such a worrier! We have to make changes to keep the mag up-to-date. I’ll discuss everything with Mr Ma before we go to print. After all, when I took on this job he told me I had a freehand and that he wouldn’t interfere.
Hina: I’ll leave that with you then. What are you thinking of using to replace the old photo?
Kate: I’m going to have a word with Mrs Tang and ask her to pick a good painting or drawing that one of her students has done. We’ll use that.
Hina: Oh, that’s a really good idea. That will liven up the magazine.
Kate: Exactly. Now, how many articles have been submitted for publication? Have you had time to sort them out?
Hina: Yes. We’ve had more than a hundred submission. I’ve sorted them out into categories. I think we’ve got too many sports reports and sport based stories. The two of us will have to spend some time sorting those out.
Kate: It was the same last time. We’ll ask Mr Chan to read them and pick out the best ones. He helped us with the sports stuff in the last magazine. I’ll do that next week.
Hina: You mean the football coach? Good idea. Oh yes, we’ve also had some good film reviews sent in.
Kate: Great. And how many book reviews?
Hina: About twenty. I’ve contacted a local bookshop and they will give us some books if we print a free advert for them.
Kate: Cool. We can run a competition.
Hina: I’ll organise that. Some girls in Form Four want us to print some recipes. We’ve never done that before. What do you think?
Kate: Excellent suggestion. I’ll give it some thought. We have to get lots of new stuff into this edition.
Hina: Are we going to set a deadline for when you and I have to get our work finished?
Kate: We have to get the magazine to the printers by the middle of November. So we need to have everything done by the first week in November. We’re only four weeks into the new term so we still have plenty of time. I must call a few printers to get some costs.
Hina: Are we not going to use the same firm as last time?
Kate: They were too expensive, and remember there were a few errors in the printing. We’ll try and get someone new this time. Now, let’s decide when to meet next week. When are you free?
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