Leopold Chen
Leopold Chen
Leopold Chen is Bachelor's student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong studying Journalism and Communication. He has previously worked as metro news reporter with The Standard.

Director of Architectural Services Edward Tse says he is saddened over death of man, 69, who was working on elevating platform at Kwai Chung sports centre.


Professors and lecturers warn use of generative artificial intelligence, or GenAI, on campuses will force changes to traditional ways of assessing students and unchecked use of the tools could undermine academic literacy.


Hong Kong Trade Development Council says attendees spent HK$872 on average at joint event comprising book fair, Sports and Leisure Expo and World of Snacks.

Petition created in response to private members’ bill by three lawmakers to overhaul CUHK’s governing body and allow external appointees to dominate council.

Lawmakers suggest charging bus passengers by distance travelled over concerns HK$2 public transport subsidy for elderly, disabled residents straining public finances.

Secretary for Development Bernadette Linn orders head of Buildings Department to look into blocks in city that have not undergone integrity checks after warning.

Poll by Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service also finds pupils opting to cover up felt higher levels of social anxiety than schoolmates who ditched their masks.

Many point to more choices and cheaper options already available at wet markets, while elderly shoppers say they are put off by needing to rely on app for discount.