Luky Yusgiantoro
Luky Yusgiantoro
Dr Luky Yusgiantoro is a member of the governing board at the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Centre, a think tank based in Indonesia. He received his PhD in energy economics from the Colorado School of Mines, US, and his two master's degrees from a joint programme of Colorado School of Mines and the French Institute of Petroleum. He also has a BSc in engineering science from Colorado State University, US.

Despite the popularity and reach of Tesla, Chinese EV brands have a good chance of dominating the emerging market in Southeast Asia. And Indonesia, with its abundant nickel resources and large vehicle market, would make an ideal partner.


As Southeast Asia’s biggest vehicle market and a major supplier of nickel, a key battery ingredient, Indonesia sees great potential in electric vehicles. But its current dependence on fossil fuel and lack of infrastructure support pose a massive challenge

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