
The ‘Avengers: Endgame’ workout series — tackle the Iron Man challenge

Iron Man’s Robert Downey Jnr in the 2018 film ‘Avengers: Infinity war’. Photo: Marvel Studios/ Disney
Iron Man’s Robert Downey Jnr in the 2018 film ‘Avengers: Infinity war’. Photo: Marvel Studios/ Disney

We will get you lean enough to fit into your very own Iron Man suit

The Avengers and their lean, muscle-bound physiques are set to dazzle on the big screen once again. With summer also fast approaching, why not take inspiration from your favourite superhero and forge a blockbuster body for those beach and boat trips.



In this edition of The Avengers workout series, we’re going to look at getting you toned and lean enough to fit into your very own Iron Man suit.

Avenger: Iron Man

Tony Stark certainly needs to stay slim for fitting into his vaunted suit and staying up in the air. High-intensity, interval training is a great way to burn calories, provided you’re pushing yourself to the absolute max; doing so creates “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption” or an “oxygen debt”. This is the amount of oxygen required to return your body to its normal, rested state. The higher this is, the more calories burnt after the workout, which is why it’s commonly known as the “afterburn”.

If you are pumping your heart rate up to near its maximum, you can do high-intensity, interval training with any form of exercise. The most important thing to remember is the work to rest ratio. To push your hardest on each interval you will need enough rest between rounds. A 1:2 ratio should be your minimum but try 1:3, 1:4 or even 1:5.