
China-Russia relations

The Republican Party has been tough on China but appears to be finding it harder to reconcile that with Beijing’s closeness to Moscow amid the Ukraine war. Over time, Republicans seem poised to abandon traditional foreign policy positions aligned with a liberal world order


‘We are increasing the risk for financial institutions dealing with Russia’s war economy and eliminating paths for evasion,’ US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says.


The rail link, first proposed in the 1990s, will serve as a faster and cheaper alternative to current China-Europe land routes, most of which travel through Russia.


‘Gloves are off’ as Ukrainian leader is described as having lost patience with Beijing, accusing it of acting as Vladimir Putin’s ‘instrument’.


Josep Borrell tells Shangri-La defence forum that avoiding tension in the South China Sea is ‘of the utmost importance’ for the bloc because of strong trade links.


‘Those who complain about China’s overcapacity are not concerned about China’s production capacity, but rather their own market share,’ Wu Hongbo tells state-owned outlet in wide-ranging interview.


Readers discuss the opposition in Malaysia to the government’s airport deal, China’s cautious attitude towards Russia’s pipeline project, the location of HKU’s new innovation centre, and potential water wastage in Wong Nai Chung.

Trade between China and Russia surged to a record US$240 billion in 2023, an increase of more than 64 per cent since 2021, before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


Clear that Beijing has ‘picked sides’ by supplying Moscow dual-use components for conflict, says Washington’s envoy to transatlantic security alliance.


Main causes for growing Sino-Russian relationship are Moscow’s decision to invade Ukraine and ‘China’s choice to enable Putin’s war’, official adds.


Russian president is to hold talks with Uzbekistan’s President Shavkay Mirziyoyev which are expected to focus on deepening the countries’ relations.

China, as a permanent Security Council member and global power, has a ‘big responsibility’ to help the world order rise to the challenges of the times, foreign ambassadors at round-table talks in Beijing say.


Development comes after Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets top Brazilian envoy and marks first such Beijing initiative since the armed conflict began.


Though the Russian market is an appealing one for Chinese exporters, Western sanctions are making payment processing a challenge as delays mount and few avenues for financial transactions remain.
