
Foreign domestic workers in Hong Kongi

Since the 1970s, foreign domestic workers have been permitted to stay in Hong Kong to address the city's shortage of local, full-time live-in helpers.


Job-hopping staff have raised concerns among Hong Kong employers, and there is a need to balance the rights of both parties, but the city would be better off trying to attract additional workers.


Readers discuss the shared joy of motherhood, the inspiration that drives girls to fulfil their potential, and disappointment in one of Hong Kong’s most iconic tourist landmarks.

A children’s book, My Extra-Special Aunty, uses illustrations by Hong Kong domestic helpers from the Philippines to show the ‘meaningful connections’ helpers have with the families they work for.


Readers discuss the rights of migrant domestic workers, the deaths of two men cleaning a sewer, and the cost of additional floors in the Legislative Council complex.

An exhibition in Hong Kong recalls the southern Chinese women, often forgotten today, who chose not to marry and instead became carers for the children of families in the city, in Singapore and elsewhere.

From Hong Kong’s labour unions highlighting the cases of seriously ill domestic workers to why ultra-processed foods are bad for you, here are stories you may have missed over the weekend.

Helpers and labour unions cite cases of employers sacking domestic workers who develop serious health conditions and forcing them to leave Hong Kong.


Readers discuss the hardships of migrant domestic worker mums, the call for the government to avert the property downturn, and the policy allowing more non-local students to enrol in Hong Kong universities.

Filipino director Cathy Garcia-Sampana’s Hong Kong-shot film Hello, Love, Goodbye put her on the city’s radar. Now, her new short film is showing the city’s artistic and cultural sides.


TEDxTinHauWomen, on November 14 at Hong Kong’s Xiqu Centre, will include talks on improving health through strength training, building domestic helpers’ courage, and the latest femtech advances.

MeHeal, a new counselling service set up by a Hong Kong charity, provides free mental health support for domestic workers who fear losing their jobs if employers see them as vulnerable.

Topic enters public spotlight after Muslim domestic helper files a HK$255,000 lawsuit against her former employers, accusing them of demanding she stop observing faith.


Kim, who was sexually assaulted by her former employer’s husband in Hong Kong, received invaluable legal help from Justice Without Borders after returning to the Philippines.