

Some of the most respected publications in Britain and America have resorted to obscure legal grammar such as the use of commas to justify killing children ‘legally’ in Palestine.

Senior US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham cites Hiroshima and Nagasaki as examples of why Israel must be allowed to do whatever it takes in the already devastated Palestinian territory.

  • First phase of Biden’s plan entails a truce and the return of some hostages held by Hamas. Sides would then negotiate on a cessation of hostilities
  • Ophir Falk, Netanyahu’s chief foreign policy adviser, said of Biden’s proposal: ‘It’s not a good deal but we dearly want the hostages released’

Tehran’s foreign ministry called the accusations of recruiting criminals ‘baseless and spiteful’ on Sunday, as it summoned Sweden’s temporary charge d’affaires.


The US president said the three-phase proposal, which includes the release of hostages, was the best way to begin winding down the deadly conflict in Gaza.


Despite the discovery of explosives sourced from India being found on an Israel-bound merchant ship, analysts are sceptical that New Delhi is selling weapons meant to be used in Gaza.


The military said on Friday that its troops in central Rafah had uncovered Hamas rocket launchers and tunnels and dismantled a weapons storage city.

Defence experts reviewed debris images from an Israeli air strike that ignited a deadly fire in a camp for displaced Palestinians. They said the bombs used were likely US-made.

Some state agencies are still ‘primarily controlled by the government’, while Indonesia’s score on the global corruption index is below that of OECD nations.

Readers discuss the opposition in Malaysia to the government’s airport deal, China’s cautious attitude towards Russia’s pipeline project, the location of HKU’s new innovation centre, and potential water wastage in Wong Nai Chung.

An image shared by millions in response to an Israeli strike that killed dozens of civilians represents a new form of AI-generated activist imagery.


Israel said its forces had taken over the 14-kilometre Philadelphi corridor on the Gaza-Egypt border, which it suspects was used for weapons smuggling.


President Xi Jinping’s call to Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah el-Sisi comes as the pair meet in Beijing, with the Chinese leader also pledging greater cooperation on trade and investment, global affairs and new energy.


Despite global outrage over the attack in which 45 people were killed, the White House insisted that it did not believe Israel had launched the major operation that Biden has warned against.


A tent city designated as a civilian evacuation zone was struck, local health authorities said, as Israeli tanks advanced to the heart of Rafah for the first time.


The strike caused widespread outrage, including from some of Israel’s closest allies. PM Benjamin Netanyahu said it was the result of a “tragic mishap”.

Israeli tanks advanced to the centre of Rafah for the first time, witnesses said, three weeks into a ground offensive in the southern Gaza city that has stirred global condemnation.