

Founded in 2009, Uber is a taxi-and-car-hailing app which operates in more than 449 cities and 66 countries. While its popularity has helped it grow to a multi-billion dollar valuation, it has faced pushback from authorities and protests from taxi drivers in multiple markets.


‘Sting’ operations by cabbies to expose ride-hailing drivers are uncalled for, especially when the government should really be clarifying the status of on-demand car services

Public appeal to stop ‘undercover operations’ against Uber drivers does not seem to have quelled anger among cabbies, union principal vice-chairman says.


Readers discuss the solutions to the art precinct’s funding problems, legalising ride-hailing service Uber, and political divisions within the European far-right.

Post camps out at taxi ‘black spot’ and goes on undercover cab rides, finds no sign of drivers overcharging, refusing to take passengers or not using their meters.


City leader John Lee calls for calm amid ‘divergent views’ over regulation of ride-hailing services, says transport authorities to unveil industry study in July.

Chau Kwok-keung, chairman of the Hong Kong Taxi and Public Light Bus Association, also urges government to issue licences for premium services as soon as possible.

Patrick Tam, Hong Kong Taxi & Public Light Bus Association’s secretary general, says vigilantism has been ongoing for at least two weeks, with over a dozen reports filed.


More than 8,000 taxi drivers and hire-car owners banded together to launch a class action against the US ride-sharing giant, arguing they lost substantial income when Uber entered Australia in 2012.


A review is to be held in a bid to put the brakes on illegal ride-hailing services; findings to be discussed with taxi industry and others involved in six months.

Readers discuss the revision of China’s Cultural Relics Protection Law, navigating Hong Kong’s Covid-19 vaccine booking site, replacing taxis with new transport modes and peak interest rates.

Starting early next year, Uber will offer riders the option of choosing a London black cab as part of the company’s expansion into a one-stop transport app, including bookings for intercity trains and car rentals.