
  • Fraudsters recently hacked 27 Instagram accounts in a week, cheating people out of nearly HK$200,000
  • Post examines the latest trends and ways to guard against online scammers

Initial reports linked Friday’s ‘lone wolf’ attack on a police station in Johor Bahru to al-Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiah, but extremism experts say young Southeast Asians prefer pro-Islamic State groups.


Meta AI recently brought assistants powered by generative AI to Instagram and WhatsApp. But beyond helping personalise social media, the technology may threaten democracy, and even freedom of speech.

The first person convicted of cyberflashing in England and Wales was sentenced to 66 weeks in prison after he sent unsolicited explicit photos of his genitals over WhatsApp.

Facebook owner Meta Platforms plans to deploy into its data centres this year a new version of a custom chip aimed at supporting its artificial intelligence push, according to an internal company document.

Google on Wednesday launched project Gemini, an artificial intelligence model trained to behave in humanlike ways, that is likely to intensify the debate about AI’s potential promise and perils.

Many messages latch onto global and local incidents to warn Hindus that their safety could be at risk from Muslims if Modi’s BJP loses power in next year’s election.


Officials spent US$100 million on some 8.5 million vaccine doses that went unused, while US$4.2 million was wasted on mostly faulty ventilators, a parliamentary report said.

Toughened requirements on which apps Apple can offer in China are set to make it difficult for locals to download banned foreign apps like Instagram and YouTube, while also making life harder for app developers.


The 74-year-old said he was attracted by a deal on Facebook offering 1.5kg of Peking duck for the equivalent of US$17.30. It ended up costing him almost US$51,000.


The man asked his son’s best friend for his number on the pretext of keeping tabs on his son’s progress in school, but then repeatedly asked the 13-year-old for nude pictures and sex.

Executives were questioned on their companies’ links to China, alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and restricting details about Covid-19’s origins on their platforms.

As the Cabinet Office has lost legal battle at High Court, ministers – including current PM Rishi Sunak and former leader Boris Johnson – will have to provide potentially embarrassing notes concerning handling of pandemic.


The social media giant, which also owns WhatsApp, has agreed to work with Malaysian police on combating online crime and controversial posts touching on subjects relating to race, religion and royalty.