

The Group of Seven (G7) originated in 1975 as the Group of Six (France, West Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States), representing the largest economies in the world. It was joined by Canada in 1976. 

  • Trade between China and Russia surged to a record US$240 billion in 2023, an increase of over 64 per cent since 2021, before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
  • ‘The Kremlin knows it can only meet its military goals with China’s assistance,’ the US deputy Treasury secretary will tell European allies and industry leaders

Janet Yellen expected to restate American call for firms and financial institutions in China and elsewhere to ‘cease’ backing Moscow’s defence complex.


Washington is concerned that Chinese government support is leading to more production capacity than global markets can absorb, driving cheap exports and stifling growth elsewhere.


G7 ministers said on Tuesday that efforts to raise money to help poorer countries adapt to climate change should include countries “capable of contributing”, in a message aimed at China.


At a G7 foreign ministers meeting in Italy, a US official said China is ‘contributing to Russia’s ability to prosecute’ the Ukraine war in ways that threaten all of Europe.


US Treasury Secretary’s meetings to include talks with China on ‘balanced growth’, a new dialogue to address China’s excess industrial capacity for EVs, solar panels and other clean energy goods.

Iran launched the attack, its first ever to directly target Israeli territory, in retaliation for a deadly air strike widely blamed on Israel that destroyed its consular building in Syria’s capital early this month.

Former Belgian PM should leave office in November but will leave early to stand in the European parliament elections to be held in June. Hungary’s PM Viktor Orban could take job temporarily.

After threats, missiles, fighter jets, charm offensives, temporary blockades, trade restrictions and cyber campaigns, the mainland might expand its playbook even further.


Move by Rome follows campaign pledge by new Italian PM Meloni, who has been critical of Beijing, leaving only non-G7 EU members in China’s infrastructure programme.


Beijing sends out officials to counter this ‘peak status’ perception, acknowledging short-term problems but framing long-term economic growth as inexorable.


Readers discuss embracing a painful part of the city’s – and the nation’s – history, the G7’s criticism of Chinese curbs on Japanese seafood, and the Hong Kong Consumer Council’s effective handling of a complaint.

Top Japanese diplomat Okada Kenichi says it’s ‘heartbreaking’ to hear Japanese businesses in Hong Kong say sales have dropped ‘because of rumours’.

G7 countries will on Monday agree to a code of conduct for companies developing advanced AI systems, as governments seek to mitigate the risks and potential misuse of the technology.

Representatives of AI companies and political leaders will meet at Bletchley Park in England next week. Sunak said China had been invited to the summit but attendance was not guaranteed.


Japan is being cautious about its approach given its ties in the Middle East, but analysts say it has ‘important diplomatic roles’ in facilitating efforts to ease tensions.
