Besides that, we also saw 5 musk oxen there but we were not allowed to get close to them due to safety reasons. Although we did a lot of walking and the process was really harsh, it was a great time for us to explore the real Greenland.
At 14:30, we arrived at Martin Karlse and we did a zodiac cruise around to enjoy the strong wind and the lovely icebergs. We saw a huge amount of sea ice and gigantic icebergs. There was a huge iceberg shaped like a palace with many sea caves which impressed most of us. Moreover, we tasted the ice of the Arctic and this was the most memorable thing we did on this zodiac cruise. It was a little bit salty but that was one of the tastes that I won’t forget in my life.
That’s the end of the first day in Greenland and we hope that we can explore more tomorrow!