The Cadet Diaries #11

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Cadets Erica (left) and Joy put some scrap paper to good use
Throughout the year, Young Post hosts a number of students to work full-time in our office for a period of two weeks. Here, the cadets will gain some valuable hands-on experience on what it's like to have a 9-5 job, working for a newspaper, shadowing reporters on assignment and participating in any of the wackiness that goes on here. The cadets will share their stories at YP in a series of blogs.

I was waiting for something great to write about for my cadet blog, but nothing too unusual or extraordinary had happened so far – until today.

My fellow cadet Erica and I were working on our Cadet page story for the coming week. It was going to be about retro paper games people can play instead of being glued to their mobile phones all the time. After finishing up the article, it was time to take some pictures for the layout. Erica and I headed into the snack corner of the office to snap a few shots.

Then we showed the shots to Leon, the web editor, and he recommended that we also have some pictures of us playing the games. So, we invited him and the reporters John and Joyee to join us.

We started with this game called Word Ladder. The idea is that you have to change one word into another, one letter at a time. We proceeded to change the word rich to poor. From rich, it went to rice and then to rise, followed by rose. But then, we got stuck. All of us gave up except for Joyee. She persevered and finally got the answer. From rose it went to pose, then to pore, fore, ford, food, mood, moor and finally poor.

After that, we shared nostalgic games from our childhood. John told us about the Korean version of rock, paper, scissors called “muk (rock), jee (scissors), ba (paper).” It’s played the same way except that after winning, the winner will try to predict his opponent’s move in the next game and try to match it. We had an awesome time playing that game.

Finally, we played Mad Libs. Upon collecting random adjectives, nouns and other suggestions from Erica, John and Leon, we filled in the blanks of a story and came up with hilarious masterpieces. The one Leon made was the funniest:

“Once upon a time, there was a toilet. He lived in the town of Mars and worked as the King of England. One day, he stumbled upon Cup Noodles, his tasty knight. Seeing each other after so long, they decided to fail.”

So far, I’ve been loving my life as a Young Post Cadet and I hope to join the program again in the future.

Read the other blogs:

- [VIDEO] Life in a Day of a Young Post Cadet - produced by our cadets

- #12: Returning cadet Doris meets a couple of musicians and learns that they are just like any other person

- #10: Being a journalist has its perks as cadet Amanda found out first-hand

- #9: While her fellow cadets were covering the dim sum competition, Winnie was in the office facing the pressure to beat the deadline

- #8: Our cadets were on the scene to cover the Dim Sum Talented Chef Competition 2013

- #7: Cadet Henry experienced just how much work goes into covering a news event like the HKDSE as he was among the team of SCMP and YP reporters who were out on the field

- #6: Giselle and the rest of the new cadets made it through their first editorial meeting at Young Post

- #5: Journalism is about so much more than sitting at a desk all day and writing news articles

- #4: Not only do cadets need a passion for journalism, they have to be fit too as a recent assignment sent cadet Lok-yan climbing to the top of a hill

- #3: Cadet Janet attends her first debating competition and witnesses what it's all about

- #2: Lunches at the Young Post office is a bit different than those at school

- #1: Working at Young Post is nothing like what cadet Melanie expected.

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