Spears still has what it takes

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By Karly Cox

There's no denying Britney Spears has been one of the most influential figures in the music business over the last decade. From her wide-eyed ingenue emergence, through her tumultuous relationships, to her unexpected comeback, Spears was part of our consciousness in a big way throughout the noughties.

Opening with latest single 3, a catchy electro-dance track, The Singles Collection is an anthology of some of Spears' most memorable music, and reminds listeners why she is still a pop princess to be reckoned with.

The album is divided roughly into three: the innocent phase, the growing up phase, and the "take me seriously" phase. Songs in the first class include ... Baby One More Time and Stronger, very different tracks, but which proved female pop singers were capable of holding their own.

The middle tracks are mostly pulsing dance numbers, like the Neptunes-produced I'm a Slave 4U and the Grammy-winning Toxic, which is possibly one of the universally liked songs.

The last section includes songs from her latest albums, including the ridiculously addictive Womanizer.

Spears may say a lot of dumb things, and release a lot of dross, but this album proves she - or the people she employs - know how to make brilliant pop tracks.

YP rating: 4/5

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