Rachel Platten's Wildfire is a pop antidote to the January blues [Review]

By Melanie Leung
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By Melanie Leung |

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For Rachel Platten, 2015 was a good year. The singer signed to Columbia Records after a decade without a major label support, saw her single Fight Song reach number 6 on Billboard's Hot 100, toured with Colbie Caillat, and was one of Taylor Swift's surprise guests.

Platten's chipper mood shows on new album Wildfire, with effortless singing and feel-good tracks, like Fight Song, the pulsing, Katy Perry-esque Stand By You, and serene lullaby Better Place.

With all nineties throwback pop hooks, you practically expect Britney Spears to burst in on the Hit Me Baby "na na na" intro of Congratulations.

Showing off her different sides, Platten is playful on Hey Hey Hallelujah, a loner on Lone Ranger, and inspired by random acts of kindness in the mellow yet dragging Angels in Chelsea.

The new album offers no surprises, but is an easy listen to sing away exam stress. When in need of a January pick-up, Wildfire is a surefire saviour.

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