Time to ring in the new

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Team YP look back on last year's resolutions, how well they kept them, and forward to what 2012 might bring

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Susan Ramsay, Editor

Oh, erm, that book. My resolution was to write that book. Let's just say it's still what we in the industry call a wip, or a "Work in progress", and it's sort of morphed into a sort of play, movie type thing.

This year was the year of the rabbit and as I am a rabbit it's been very busy and very exciting. I've made a lot of trips overseas and met very interesting and inspiring people. Most excitingly I got to try my hand at one of my favourite sports and spend some time with some of Young Post's fantastic readers, which is always special.

I also got to spend some time at home in South Africa and marvel at the beauty of the country I love. I'm really looking forward to the Year of the Dragon.

Wong Yat-hei, Reporter

I started last year with the aim of improving myself with a Master's degree. Studying English was the obvious choice, as it's what I work with. After researching courses, I finally started in September. It was really tough studying part-time while working. I finished the first semester in early December, but there are still four more to go before I can get my qualifications.

Hopefully this work-study balance will get easier in 2012!

Guy Haydon, Sub-editor

Last year, I promised myself I'd do more sport every week, to cut out "quick-fix" visits to McDonald's when I was hungry, and to tidy my messy flat.

I cycle in the late evenings during the week and early in the mornings at weekends (the safest times on Hong Kong's roads) at least three times a week. And I am glad to say I rarely visit a McDonald's, except for cups of coffee. But tidying my flat? Er, that's this year's resolution.

Mabel Sieh, Reporter

Nothing happened as I had hoped in 2011: I went to hospital at the beginning of the year, which upset all my travel plans, including going to my niece's wedding in Mexico. But, having said that, 2011 was a year full of love from my family and close friends; and of support from my colleagues.

If you asked me what I've learned this year, I'd say: life is always bigger than we think, and is beautiful no matter what happens. I'm grateful that you were there with me! As for next year, I'll just enjoy and let it be.

Dennis, YP mascot

My new year's resolution last year? I think it was to not sleep on the editor's desk so much. And Team YP made sure I didn't do any of that sort of thing. I spent a lot more time sleeping in people's luggage. This year I have been all over the world! From watching our amazing young athletes in action in Baotou, to going to the North Pole - not chasing polar bears - to Africa where I did menace a few lions. I went to Cambodia to meet K-pop stars, and Sri Lanka, Vienna, Zurich, again, and oh my, just everywhere. What a lucky pup I am. I also got loads of people liking me on Facebook - that was cool. (If you don't yet, why not?!)

Chris Lau, Reporter

A year ago, I was still a university student in Melbourne. I have always wanted to become a journalist, but was told during my internships that the future of print media (in Australia) was grim. I graduated full of concerns and worries, keeping my eyes open for any internship opportunities.

Then in November, I achieved possibly the biggest thing in my life - I joined Young Post.

Tom Tsang, Designer

Last year's resolution was quite simple: as I became a dad for the first time, I could only wish for what any parent would wish for, to be a good father and, more importantly, for good health and happiness for my little girl.

In 2012, I'm aiming for a personal goal: to complete a 20km run in less than 1hr 20mins. For some, this might be a weekly warm-up, but the years are starting to catch up with me, so it's now or never.

Dennis Yip, Designer

My 2011 resolution was to be fitter and healthier. I succeeded (I think) by eating less meat/ deep-fried junk/ sugar, and more vegetables, and by going to the gym more and jogging three times a week.

This year, I aim to make Young Post look even better, learn more design programs, and get my friend, a very talented illustrator, to teach me some of her skills.

Leon Lee, Web Editor

Last year, when I was living in New York City, I resolved to stop moving around. I moved back to the US in 2010, after first moving to Hong Kong in 2007. I was planning on staying in New York for two years in the hopes of going back to school and being with my parents again. But obviously that failed - I came back to Hong Kong this year and am now a member of the YP team. So I guess it wasn't all bad.

My new year's resolution this year is to stop being late. I have this terrible habit of always being the last person to show up. It's not like I enjoy people waiting for me (I've treated people to so many meals because of lateness), but things just keep distracting me as I'm getting prepared to leave my house. I think this resolution would benefit my friendships and my wallet.

Barry C Chung, Reporter

For 2011, I resolved to get fit. Sadly, though, the words "exercise", "gym" and "sweat" rarely entered into my weekly (nor fortnightly nor monthly) vocabulary. As boring as it is to recycle my resolution, I think this is the year it's going to happen (last year was my adjustment year) - the year I adopt a more active and healthy lifestyle. That probably means limiting my daily coffee intake (one of my guilty pleasures). Sounds like tough love, but I'm sure my ballooning waistline will approve.

Joyee Chan, Reporter

I was resolved to get into an English publication after graduating. I managed to get onto the wondrous Young Post team and achieved more than I imagined. I'm truly grateful I've been able to explore my interests, from the environment and arts to hard news. And I went on three totally unexpected trips: to Einstein's exhibition in Switzerland, the panda reserve in Sichuan and underprivileged villagers in Yunnan.

Next year, I want to volunteer with some green groups, in particular as a tour guide in Mai Po. Then, I seriously, seriously have to finish knitting my cousin's scarf - it has been two years. And a stack of National Geographic and novels has been piling up - I need to read faster.

Karly Cox, Deputy Editor

I resolved that 2011 would be my year of travel. I made it to Auckland, Yangshuo, Greece, Sri Lanka and boring ol' Blighty twice, so I didn't do too badly.

This year, I WILL take French lessons so 14 years of my life weren't wasted, tidy my flat (or allow my visiting mother to) and do some form of exercise. I suppose.

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