Lucy's YP Get Fit Blog Week 3: Crossfit is for everyone

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For a month, Young Post sub-editor Lucy Christie will try out crossfit, one of the most intense and demanding types of exercise out there. Check in with her weekly blog to see how crossfit affects this already-sporty Scot.

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My session on Monday night was amazing. Tracy was my trainer, and she spent a lot of time with me one-on-one helping me really perfect my technique. Tips like "stick your bum out" and "try to give yourself back cleavage" might sound a little silly, but it really helps that the trainers use normal words and phrases that people can actually understand. If you tried to figure out what you were doing wrong while someone told you that you need to lock out your extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle, improving - or even knowing which part of the body you're supposed to be working - would probably be impossible for most people.

Tracy - fit and friendly!

This is the one of the great things that I've noticed about Crossfit852. It's full of ordinary people. At our class on Monday, we talked about whether we would be a gangster or a policeman, Taylor Swift's new album and hairdressers in Hong Kong.

The workout itself was intense. Part A consisted of 3 progressive sets of power clean, progressive meaning you add on some weight every set. I can feel that I'm much better at the cleans since day one (and Tracy agreed, hurrah!). The cleans and the snatches are the most difficult moves, as they are a combination of multiple movements. The trainers demonstrate every movement before every workout, and it's reassuring that even seasoned pros seem to need a reminder for the trickier ones.

Part B consisted of:

  • 50 bent over dumbbell rows

Then, 30-20-10 of:

  • kettlebell swings (recommended for guys 24kg/16kg for girls. I did 8kg)
  • pull-ups
  • push-ups

At the end of the workout my legs were like jelly, my arms were like jelly and it hurt to move on Tuesday, but the truth is, I am enjoying the tough training and the changes I can already feel in my body.

My "everyone is so nice and normal" thought was further reinforced by my workout on Wednesday. Bernard was my trainer, and the session was unusually quiet. It was just myself, a girl called Christine, and one of the trainers and co-owners, David. David was doing the workout with us, and apart from lifting much heavier weights than us, he acted and was treated just like anyone else in the class. No bravado or attitude, which is my experience of other gyms and workout groups, and was what I was most afraid of when joining Crossfit852. They've even invited me to their Halloween party! Those who know me will know that anyone who takes Halloween seriously is a friend of mine.
The perk of a small class is lots of one-on-one time with trainers
I didn't know this, but every night at around 10.30pm, Crossfit852 post the WOD for the next day. However, they don't do this for Wednesday (Tuesday night), instead having a "secret workout". As David and Bernard explained to me, this is to stop people "cherry-picking" which workouts they want to do. In their opinion, you should be well-rounded, strong, and capable of handling any work out that is set for you. I didn't even know the workouts were available the night before for the rest of the week, but I actually prefer going and finding out the workout when I get there, as I find the anticipation quite exciting.

Anyway, this explains why Wednesday's session was very quiet.

The workout was challenging, but it wouldn't be much of a workout if it wasn't. After part A's progressive overhead squats, part B was handstand push-ups, pull-ups and ring dips. I couldn't do the handstand push-ups, as I'm still trying to build my upper body strength, so I switched to dumbbell reps instead, but even then it was hard.

The best part of crossfit is that I never know what to expect

Best of all, with such a small group, we all got a lot of one-on-one time with Bernard to help improve our technique and really push us to our limits.

For Thursday's workout I went back to Wesley's 7.30pm class in Central. Although it's not always the exact same group, it's nice to see familiar faces and it's easy to see why Crossfit is popular with people who are new to Hong Kong, as it's an instant community of friendly people and it's easy to get to know people after even one or two sessions. Nothing builds a bond quite like collapsing on the floor beside each other after a punishing round of dumbbell weights and box jumps.

Wesley always helps me push my limits with when I'm lifting weights

This is only my third week at Crossfit852, but the more sessions I come to, the more I want to go to. Maybe crossfit is more addictive than I first thought.

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