Talking points: What do you want to tell your parents/teachers about Occupy Central?

Compiled by Wong Yat-hei
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Compiled by Wong Yat-hei |

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Suen Wing-sze, 18, Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School

The activity is meaningful, because young people gave up their study time to fight for a fair and improved political system for Hong Kong. As for people who say it affects their income, I think they are selfish.


Kaur Amritpal, 17, St Margaret's Girls' College, Hong Kong

The thing I would like to tell my parents about Occupy Central is that it's a fight for democracy and protesters are not occupying the area without any objectives.


May Huang, 17, Chinese International School

Parents, raise your children so they understand social responsibility; teachers, educate your students to become critical thinkers. How can Hongkongers, come 2017, vote for representatives that they haven't selected? The protesters are on the streets to advocate the future that the youth of Hong Kong deserve - and we will refuse to accept anything less.


Dhruv Singh, 17, YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College

I would like to tell my mother that she should think objectively while discussing Occupy Central because she sometimes fails to see the other person's point of view.

To my teachers, I would like to say that youngsters understand that either you are for the movement or against it, so they should respect our views and not try to talk us into agreeing with a certain perspective. As young adults, we are all trying to find our own voice during these challenging times.


Charlotte Chan, 16, Carmel Secondary School

I would like to thank my parents for allowing me to visit the occupied areas and experience what's really happening in society. I would probably never see such a thing again in my lifetime.


Claire Cheng, 13, Tak Nga Secondary School

Sometimes people have to make sacrifices to achieve success. As the saying goes, don't lose sight of the forest for the trees.


Tell us what what you want to tell your parents and teachers about Occupy Central in the comment box below.

In our next Talking Points, we'll discuss: How would you like to spend your free period, if you have one, every day? 

We are now accepting answers from readers for this new topic. To take part, e-mail your answer with your name, age and school name, plus a high-res photo of yourself (no less than 1MB), to [email protected] by Monday lunchtime next week.


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