China’s Communist Party

The sole governing power of the People’s Republic of China
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Latest news, analysis and opinion on the Communist Party of China which has ruled the country since 1949 and is currently led by General Secretary Xi Jinping. The party currently has over 90 million members and it began to admit private entrepreneurs into its ranks in 2001. 

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State Council institutions must follow new line that aims to improve efficiency, deliver growth and ensure technological transformation.
The concept of ‘new productive forces’ shows that China’s top leadership has realised that the traditional model of relying on debt-fuelled investment to drive growth has reached its limit.
SCMP ColumnistZhou Xin
President Xi Jinping wants officials and media to make China’s voice heard over the Western narrative. Millions have been spent, but there is frustration that the campaign is doing little to sway international opinion.
China’s Communist Party leaders set the tone for national parliamentary sessions in March and stress need for wider focus.
The Argentinian president’s argument against ‘socialism’ has given Chinese netizens a chance to rethink a topic important to their country’s future.
SCMP ColumnistZhou Xin
Security concerns could be the real reason behind Supreme People’s Court announcement it will reduce cases uploaded to public archive.
China risks making the same mistake as Japan in treating the symptoms of the economy’s descent into deflation, rather than the causes.
While China’s rainmakers have been essential to the country’s great market opening, corruption concerns and a changing geopolitical balance have seen them pushed to the sidelines.
SCMP ColumnistZhou Xin
As the US confirms the two leaders will meet at the Apec summit, China rightly remains guarded, but signs are both desperately want to go ahead.
Foreign businesses in China are concerned about crossing ‘red lines’, so the onus is on the central government to clearly explain the dos and don’ts.
China is all the poorer for the death of the ‘people’s premier’ Li Keqiang, who always showed his caring side even as he steered the nation through some of its most difficult moments.
Why a downsized People’s Bank of China reflects major shifts in the nation’s financial governance strategy.
SCMP ColumnistZhou Xin
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