
Children in China

Better arrangements must be made for children born in Hong Kong to non-permanent residents from the mainland after mother leaves 12-year-old son alone in city, apparently so he could get a better education.

  • Government says juvenile offenders ‘endanger social harmony’, but bullying is a society-wide mental health issue, experts warn
  • Solutions must go beyond policy, discipline and punishment so delinquents ’understand that their actions are crimes’

A self-styled Chinese education expert with a punitive style of teaching has been called a bully and out of step with modern approaches to learning and parenting.


A celebrated Chinese film producer is about to become a father for the fifth time, but it is the 30-year age gap between him and his wife which has sparked debate.

A teenage boy in China went viral after he posted a video begging his father to be a better husband nearly three weeks after the man had left home following an argument.

A young Pakistani woman with Chinese parents is causing a stir on mainland social media over the contrast between her stunning looks that are so different from those around her in rural China, and her ability to speak the local dialect.

The parents of young primary schoolchildren in China have finally had enough of the extreme bullying behaviour of a boy who persistently kicked, hit, intimidated and insulted his peers.

A teenage girl from a wealthy family in China, who was visiting one of the country’s most revered locations, was disrespectful and offensive to tourism staff and ignored their pleas to behave.

A wealthy man in China who turned his back on business to become a Buddhist monk has given sanctuary to hundreds of single mothers and abandoned children.

A student in her first year at a university in China became so worryingly besotted with her new boyfriend that doctors diagnosed her behaviour as mental illness.

A mother in China who spotted a young girl while visiting a far-off province and decided she was a “perfect wife” for her 27-year-old son, has been jailed along with him for abducting the girl.

A school in China has announced it wants to lighten the heavy academic burden placed on children by banning homework after a certain time in the evening but the well-intentioned move has been met with a mixed response from parents.

A mother in China became so exasperated as she tried to guide her child through his school work that she lashed out in anger and ended up hurting herself.

A street vendor in China who gave all the money she earned for her two daughters to be well educated, looked on proudly as they exceeded her expectations.

A nanny in China has been duped out of a lot of money and left to care for a baby by a couple who claimed they had been bequeathed a massive estate and were going to collect it, then vanished.

A clever Labrador Retriever in China has learned how to pull a rickshaw, and he proudly takes a little girl home in it from school while the other children look on with envy.

Wrangling over what name their first son should take has seen the relationship between a husband and wife in China spiral in the direction of divorce.

A 50-something woman in China was shocked to find a baby in her home when she got in from work one day, and that the child belonged to her husband who had hired a surrogacy agency without telling her.

Top China gymnast Yang Wei, who decided his children would benefit from being taught by private tutors, has been blasted for not considering the importance of social interaction with their peers.

Social media in Taiwan has been shocked by the story of two nannies who allegedly tortured a one-year-old baby boy to death during a horrific three-month ordeal.

The parents of a little boy in China have delayed their son’s schooling for a year so the family can travel around the mainland, learning and having fun as they go.

A caring teacher in China has been taking a boy home and bringing him back to school several times a week for two years when the teenager falls asleep because of a rare condition.

Mainland social media has been inspired by the parents of a boy who was mocked following a fall at school and turned to artificial intelligence to give their son solace.