
Hong Kong water supply

There is a danger of being left out in the cold as major cities in the Pearl River Delta seek better quality supplies in greater quantities

  • Eric Chau of the Laundry Association says water bills currently cost service operators in hospitality and catering industry up to HK$200,000 a month
  • ‘If the costs increase, we will be hit immediately. So we will definitely need to transfer the costs to consumers,’ he adds

Readers discuss the opposition in Malaysia to the government’s airport deal, China’s cautious attitude towards Russia’s pipeline project, the location of HKU’s new innovation centre, and potential water wastage in Wong Nai Chung.


Hong Kong should appeal to consumers’ environmental consciousness through corporate campaigns to drive conservation and climate resilience, according to Neoperl, a leading maker of water-saving devices.


Water Supplies Department reveals sample taken from private commercial building in Wan Chai exceeded city’s safety standards. Testing finds 17 micrograms in water, higher than the permitted 10 micrograms.


First mooted in 1963, when Hong Kong was gripped by drought, a desalination plant finally started producing fresh water in 1975, but not for long. The plant was shut down after critics blasted the high cost of running it.

Visionary leaders would foresee worst-case scenarios and make strategic plans to deal with them should they eventuate. But there seem to be no signs of our government preparing plans for worst-case scenarios regarding water resilience.


Tung Ping Chau has just a few dozen residents still living on it, so Hong Kong’s water utility is unwilling to build a permanent pipeline. So the community has finally given a desalination facility the go ahead.

But officials dismiss the idea of preparing second phase, saying both desalination plant and water from Dongjiang will be needed to offset risks from climate change on the city’s supply.